LOGAN Noir Trailer Celebrates Today’s Digital HD and Limited Theatrical Release

LOGAN Noir Trailer Celebrates Today's Digital HD and Limited Theatrical Release

SPOILERS, by the way.

Today is pretty awesome for two reasons: Logan, the bloody cinematic send-off for Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine (and, apparently, Patrick Stewart’s Professor X), is available to purchase in Digital HD through the usual band of superior streaming networks. Logan Noir, the oft-promised and gloriously delivered black and white cut of the film, hits select theaters today for a very limited engagement. To celebrate the Digital HD release AND the theatrical dispersing of Logan Noir, director James Mangold tweeted the official Logan Noir trailer. OBSERVE!

So, why is Logan Noir an essential, dramatic cut of the seriously drama-filled color version? Because there’s already a lot of deep-seeded contrast going on in the color version, an artsy abundance of stark lights framing a world layered in — and lacerated by — relentless shadow.

So, the tone is already there — the film’s significant “noir-ness” and isolating depression will increase by a factor of 500 when rendered in black and white. Yup.

Oh, and the dang dismal film hits Blu-ray/DVD/4k Ultra HD on May the 23rd. And yeah, the Blu-Ray/4k will include Logan Noir.

Prepare to cry in your popcorn all over again.

Directed by James Mangold, LOGAN stars Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Dafne Keen, Boyd Holbrook, Richard E. Grant, Stephen Merchant, Eriq La Salle and Elise Neal.