Morgan Freeman Is Not a Fan of Ben Affleck’s Batman

Can Ben Affleck's Batman measure up to...THIS??

In a recent interview with our friends at Entertainment Weekly, actor Morgan Freeman – who, incidentally, happened to portray Lucius Fox in the previous Batman trilogy – thinks Affleck’s Batman won’t measure up to Christian Bale’s portrayal in the previously mentioned trilogy. Unfortunately, it seems Morgan Freeman is not a fan of Ben Affleck’s Batman.

“You know, I’m happy for Ben, but I don’t know how that’s gonna work. Because the Dark Knight was almost ‘it.’ Pretty much ‘it,'” Freeman said. “Did you see Batman Begins? I don’t think you can beat that.”

In the same interview, Christian Bale offered his opinion on Ben Affleck’s impending portrayal of the Dark Knight. Now, he was certainly very grateful for Freeman’s praise, but his response was a little more ‘Ben-friendly.’

“Everyone brings their own element to that — Ben [Affleck] will do that as well. I think the trailers are looking great and I’m looking forward to that. But right on for Morgan [Freeman] for saying no one will ever be that, I very much like him.”

Editorial- Ben will be fine, Morgan.

Debuting March 25, 2016, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice stars Henry Cavill, Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot, Jesse Eisenberg, Amy Adams and Laurence Fishburne. Oh, and probably a lot of unhappy citizens caught in the crossfire when Superman and Batman indulge in a pee-pee contest.


  1. I like that Morgan Freeman chooses Batman Begins over The Dark Knight. Dark Knight was fantastic, but I liked Batman Begins more, and therefore, I am Morgan Freeman.

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