It appears as if Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice’s Facebook page just updated their cover image with this great Batman V Superman Banner featuring the Caped Crusader and the Man of Steel from the highly anticipated Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. What does said imagine entail? How about the aforementioned Dark Knight facing off against the Last Son of Krypton? You see, this is what happens when somebody eats the last bit of pizza minis in the fridge and doesn’t tell anybody. Next you are going to tell me that one of them left an empty bottle of ketchup in the fridge! Wait, that was Lex Luthor and I may have just discovered the plot of Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. Man, I’m good.

Pretty sweet, eh? Word is on the street that we will also be seeing a trailer that runs around 2:12 seconds in the near future….my guess? That giant commercial beast known as the Super Bowl! We will see our popular DC heroes appear tomorrow betwixt sports? I guess we will have to find out! Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice is scheduled for March 25th 2016 release and stars Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Jesse Eisenberg, Diane Lane, Laurence Fishburne, Jeremy Irons, Holly Hunter, and Gal Gadot.