Time Warner CEO Admits There’s “Room for Improvement” Regarding Future DC Films

Time Warner CEO Admits There's
Time Warner CEO Admits There's "Room for Improvement" Regarding Future DC Films
Handle these characters with RESPECT!

Time Warner CEO Jeff Bewkes told investors today (via Variety) that there is “a little room for improvement” when it comes to the proper, creative handling of future DC adaptations. These comments are obviously being made in the face of critical backlash experienced by Zack Snyder’s Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice and David Ayer’s Suicide Squad. Bewkes also went on to reiterate Warner Bros.’ plans to mitigate the oft-criticized darkness prevalent in the aforementioned DC films.

“The DC Comics characters … have a little more lightness in them than maybe what you saw in those movies, so we’re thinking about that.”

And yes, we’re very aware of the measures Warner Bros. is taking to lift things from “morose” to “hopeful;” they made Geoff Johns the head of DC Films, and added Ben Affleck as an executive producer. These moves should provide significant “safety valves” for future DC Films so the critical response to BvS is never repeated.

Regardless of the litany of difficulties regarding DC and Warner Bros’. initial offerings, Bewkes seems happy with how things are progressing, and how the critical backlash didn’t exactly extend to stagnant box office returns.

“The strategy worked. The execution did deliver what we wanted to do. We can do a little better on the creative.” As far as the box office? “We’re right on course or better. The main thing was to launch DC and reinvigorate it with the fan base. The reboot of Batman with Ben Affleck (in the role) was a big success.”

He also pointed out that the reaction to Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman has been very positive, so it seems the creative course correcting is bringing about the desired results.

So, what do you think? Will Wonder Woman herald the “brighter” DCEU?