Jeremy Renner Is Definitely Up for a Hawkeye Netflix Series

Hawkeye Netflix series!

Yes, the Marvel/Netflix cooperative is, in this writer’s mind, officially three for three. Daredevil Season 1 was an amazing, action-packed tour de force, Jessica Jones Season 1 (and I can call it ‘Season 1’ because a second season is confirmed) was a brilliant study in victimization (dashed with super-powers), and Daredevil Season 2 maintains the caliber of its freshman season. With Luke Cage hitting Netflix on September 30th and Iron Fist tentatively scheduled for this year, more grounded, mature, street-based superheroes are taking over (streaming) TV!

Want to know who would be absolutely perfect for the Marvel/Netflix template? Hawkeye. Out of all the Avengers, he’s less a product of science fiction and more a product of natural talent and intense physical training. With a focus on humanism, and his rich history in the Marvel Universe, wouldn’t he be ideal for a Marvel/Netflix series? Well, at a recent Q&A session at the Silicon Valley Comic-Con, Renner was asked that very question. His response is below, but basically, Jeremy Renner is definitely up for a Hawkeye Netflix series.

“I think that’s actually a really great model, if there’s ever a way to explore the character, maybe it’s in that world. These are things that are really not in my control, but I’d be open to it. I’ve really enjoyed getting to explore the character more recently. The Netflix model is where all the character drama goes to now; you’re doing a superhero movie or a Netflix or HBO kind of model. So I’d be open to it. Not up to me, though.”

He was equally enthusiastic regarding a proposed Black Widow/Hawkeye film, stating, “In a second. I’d love to do that.”

Honestly, Hawkeye is the PERFECT choice for a Netflix series. Want another grounded hero kicking butt on a smaller, more intimate scale, where dramatic acting and character building are absolutely essential? Hawkeye’s your man, and Renner has the acting chops to pull it off. And, as a bonus, Hawkeye offers more synergy between Marvel’s shared, cinematic/television universe. YES!

Would YOU like to see a Hawkeye Netflix series? How about another Netflix series based on another Marvel hero? And don’t say Moonknight; that suggestion is already taken (by me).