Then the news kept flowing in. Apparently, not only is Dinklage talking about joining the next Avengers outing, but he could also be involved in other Marvel movies in the near future. Essentially, Dinklage would be introduced in Infinity War, and then be brought back for a larger role in the next feature. It’s similar to the Black Panther’s introduction in Civil War, or more comparably, Ulysses Klaw (Age of Ultron).
Whatever his usage would be, getting him involved in any capacity is worth celebrating. However, fans are never happy with news simply stating someone is joining the MCU; we need to know who they are playing! Well, since Peter Dinklage is only ‘in talks,’ it’s up to us to guess who he could be playing in Infinity War. So, because we’re graciously accepting this self-imposed responsibility, here are five ideas.
The idea that Dinklage could be playing MODOK (or a Mechanized Organism Designed Only for Killing) has spread throughout the internet like a wildfire. It has gotten to the point wherre the always reliable Boss Logic has already created a rendering showing what a potential Dinklage-ified MODOK could look like.
“I love MODOK and I think you could make a terrifying movie with MODOK but nobody seems to be on my side at the momentum… I will win you over to Peter Dinklage as MODOK. If he came around the corner and you saw him floating there you would be terrified. It would be amazing.”
That was six years ago, and now Markus has the opportunity to make good on that promise. To add more fuel on that fire, MODOK has a nice history with Captain Marvel, who just happens to be part of Infinity War, and a recipient of her own movie in 2019. The dots are beginning to get connect, and if it turns out Dinklage is playing MODOK, get ready for the internet to completely lose its sh*t.
2. Pip the Troll
In the comics, Pip was a member of The Infinity Watch and an ally of Adam Warlock. He was one of the protectors of the Infinity Stones and crucial to the Infinity Gauntlet storylines. Should the movie follow themes similar to the comics (something the MCU really doesn’t concern itself with), then we could actually see Pip in live-action form.
3. Adam Warlock
Rumors of Adam Warlock’s involvement in the MCU have run rampant since Guardians of the Galaxy first introduced his cocoon. It doesn’t hurt that Warlock is also crucial to the climax of the Infinity Gauntlet comic series. While Dinklage doesn’t resemble what we assume Warlock should look like, who really cares? The role is going to need someone who can bring gravitas to it, and after six seasons playing Tyrion Lanninster, there are few actors better than Dinklage who can handle a position like that. Sure, it appears like a longshot, but never forget that Marvel is fully capable of doing something unexpected and making the end result something perfect.
4. Uatu The Watcher

Another character that has gained some steam over the past few days is that of Uatu. It makes sense that Dinklage would be considered for this role, since everyone knows he’s tremendous at playing a character that “drinks and knows stuff.” Uatu is part of an ancient alien race that observes planets around the universe. His job is to watch Earth, so perhaps the character could be in Infinity War to warn the Avengers about an impending Thanos invasion.
However, there are a lot of issues with the idea of Uatu showing up. Infinity War has to do a lot: bring Thanos into the fold, toss the Guardians of the Galaxy on Earth, reunite The Avengers, explain where Betty Ross has been over the last decade, etc. So, why would it waste any time explaining why there’s a giant alien who’s been watching over us this whole time? It just doesn’t seem likely. Plus, I’d rather believe the theory that Uatu is actually being played by Stan Lee.
5. Galactus
Listen, I know what you’re thinking; Galactus is part of The Fantastic Four canon, which means he’s owned by Fox and can’t show up in the MCU. Well, I refuse to believe that Marvel and 20th Century Fox haven’t already made a deal to allow Marvel’s first family to show up alongside the Avengers in a deal similar to the Sony/Marvel Spider-Man arrangement. Yes, my stubbornness is getting in the way of logic, but I don’t care. I want Galactus in the MCU and I think Dinklage is the perfect man to bring him to life.
So, what are your thoughts? Do any of these characters tickle your fancy? Or, should Peter Dinklage play someone (or something) else in Infinity War? Let us know in the comment section below!