Some delicious news dropped today confirming both Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead for the Deadpool sequel, but what about the rest of the X-Men? There’s a library filled with fun mutant characters that need their moment in the sun. Heck, even the screenwriters agree. In an interview with Deadline, Rhett Reese discussed the possibility of a plethora of mutants showing up in a Deadpool sequel.
“It’ll be a solo movie. It’ll be populated with a lot of characters, but it is still Deadpool’s movie, this next one. We’re pushing forward very hard. I think by every account we will shoot it this year, and we’re on our multiple draft now. It’s taken different twists and turns, but it’s really coalescing, and we’re very, very excited.”
Take that quote however you want, but here’s what I’m getting: Deadpool will be the star; there will be other fun characters; we’re still working the details out. So, get excited, X-Men fans, and let your minds run wild with the characters you could see. In fact, I think it’s time for a Top Ten List of X-Men Characters that deserve a chance to be in Deadpool 2.
Now, this list will be simple: no characters that have previously turned up in an X-Men movie will be allowed on this list, with one slight exception — any character that appeared in X-Men Origins: Wolverine will get a second chance at life, since it appears the movie has been scrubbed from both the McAvoy and Stewart Timelines. So, with those rules in place, let’s see what ten characters should turn up in the next Deadpool movie.
1. Cable
Cable needs to be part of this movie and we’re going to get it. If you don’t believe me, here’s Paul Wernick (the other writer of Deadpool) in that same Deadline report.
“It’s a world that’s so rich and we always thought Cable should be in the sequel. There was always [a] debate whether to put him in the original, and it felt like we needed to set up Deadpool and create his world first, and then bring those characters into his world in the next one.”
So… hooray! I’m one-for-one on this list!
2. Gambit

I have no problems with Taylor Kitsch, but he did not do any justice to Remy LeBeau in Origins. Since that movie no longer matters, we need to get a proper version of Gambit on the big screen. If the Channing Tatum version is eventually going to happen, bring the character into Deadpool 2, even as a glorified cameo. Let’s see if Tatum has the goods as the card-slinging Ragin’ Cajun. If he doesn’t, then at least we can have Wade Wilson make fun of him (in the end, we all win).
3. Domino
4. Forge
5. X-Man
6. Dazzler
There was a crazy joke that went around a few years back that Lady Gaga was going to play Dazzler in Days of Future Past. Now, that doesn’t sound like bad casting at all.
7. Blob
8. Guardian
Fact: Wolverine is also Canadian.
So, why not bring in Mr. Canada himself? While not technically a mutant, The Guardian did first appear in an X-Men comic, meaning he could be part of their universe (legally speaking). If Chris Evans can’t show up as Captain America., let The Guardian serve as his stand-in. You can make all the Avengers and Canada jokes you want at his expense.
Speaking of the Avengers, you can even make a push to bring in Alpha Flight. This way, Fox can have their own super-team with Canada’s Mightiest Heroes.
9. Mimic
10. Juggernaut
If Deadpool, Cable and Domino are going to need a big threat to take out, why not have the biggest mutant threat imaginable. Let the Juggernaut be the big bad villain, and let’s get a proper version complete with red suit and helmet. If Professor X isn’t going to show up, at least his stepbrother can make an appearance.
So, what do you think? Any more X-Men you’d like to see perched on a unicyle in Deadpool 2? If so, let us know in the comment section below!